Letters #4

Jun 28, 2020    David Staff    1 Corinthians

So what is THE CHURCH? When is it the greatest thing in the world…and what can happen to make it the worst. I know a coach who knows all about this, and he (i.e., Paul) wrote a letter to a church that could have been greatest thing in the world…but had become a pretty bad outfit”

Paul needed the church at CORINTH to listen to his coaching—or it would get even worse--and here’s why. Because the Bible teaches us that…

—UNLESS THE CHURCH IS WINNING (defeating the forces of hell in people’s lives)

—IT IS LIKELY THE CHURCH IS LOSING (and people like you and me are getting swallowed up in sin)

Look in your New Testament and find the letter entitled 1st Corinthians. With this letter, Paul is out to help a church that is losing become a winner again. Trying to coach Christians – just like you and me – back to spiritual health and power and joy and love. And maybe…if we listen to Paul’s coaching of the Corinthians, we might just find some timely coaching ourselves.

So what coaching does the Apostle Paul offer these Christians to start winning again?