Fishing: The Savior's Call to His Servants

Oct 11, 2020    David Staff    Mark 1:14–20

Every time I see that segment from The Bible, something stirs within me. Every time.

Especially now. Don’t you wish you could change the world? Maybe not by yourself...but be a part of something where you could do your part—along with others—that would really make a difference? I just turned 67 this past week, and I can’t remember a time in my lifetime when I’ve felt that so keenly. Sometimes, we hear all the political and cultural noise, and want simply to withdraw.

But we follow Jesus, And that’s what He came to do. That’s why God sent John the Baptizer out in front of him, crying in the wilderness that Someone truly great was coming, Someone who required I clear out my sin clutter,
Someone who would plunge me into the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. Someone was coming, John insisted, who wanted to thoroughly change my life, my world, was coming.

So what was his plan? After his own baptism and his own time of rigorous testing in the desert. What was his plan to change the world?

To change the world, Jesus develops followers into fishermen.