Extra Mile Serving

Nov 1, 2020    David Staff    Mark 6:7–13, 30–44

Ever been in a position when you just didn’t think you had any more to give?

Ever been there? “Lord...I’m tapped out.” I can hear your heart’s inaudible response already. “Sure I have.” You know what I mean. You kinda hit a personal dead end.

It could be with that difficult person to love.

It could be with the stress of your job.

It could be with that child, or teenager, who has managed to drain your tank down to the last drop...and if you could, you’d wash your hands of it and simply walk away. But you can’t and you won’t; still you’re spent.

Shucks...it could be financially.

Of all the people I’ve ever known well, I don’t know of anybody who hasn’t at some time reached that point with someone or some thing important in their lives. When you do, you feel it down deep. “Lord, honestly, I just don’t have anything more to give.”

Which is why I love the Bible. Why you love the Bible. It is so real to life, full of people who’ve arrived at the very same place.