Teach Your Children Well

Feb 21, 2021    David Staff    Deut 6, Luke 12, 1 Tim 6, Acts 20:35

In the first weeks of 2021, we have been listening to the Holy Spirit about our investments. Our gracious God, who owns everything, graciously puts so much treasure into our hands. The treasure of time. The treasure of talents and abilities. The treasure of money and assets. And where—Jesus reminds us—we put that treasure, we shall also find our heart.

We cannot, Jesus insists, serve both God and money, but we can serve God with our treasure. Someday, we shall give an account to our Lord about our investment of what belonged to Him.

But we will also give an account on how we discipled our children and our teenagers in this critical area. Where is their heart, as a result of where they have placed their treasure. This sermon will challenge us to consider how we are leading our children.