Your Treasure—Bottom Line

Feb 28, 2021    David Staff    1 Timothy 6:6–10, 1 Timothy 6:17–19

Have you ever asked yourself, seriously, whether or not you’ve been taught the truth about stewardship, about money, and about where your treasure (and thus your heart) really is? Where did you get your thoughts, your habits, the principles you consciously (or perhaps unconsciously) use to get money and spend money, the truth from God about stewardship?

The reality is that in this confused world – and it is greatly confused – the likelihood is that we may be handling what God puts in our hands NOT with the truth (of the word of God)...but simply the way that most everybody else does. That likelihood is quite high. We may well be simply floating down-stream with everyone else instead of swimming purposefully against the current. Listening to the world more when it comes to money, possessions & eternity, than listening to the Lord.

The prosperity gospel lie has been around a long time. So what is the truth about stewardship, about money and spending, about our hearts and our treasure?