One New Man #2
Someone has said that no one really lives until you’ve had to face death. Even more remarkably, Jesus insisted (Mark 8:33-36):
If you seek to save your own life, you will lose it.
But whoever willingly loses his/her life for My sake
and the gospel’s will find it.
In One New Man #1, the opening lines of Ephesians 2 what revealed what God has to do because the entire human race—every human being—begins and lives their lives (at least for a time) spiritually dead toward God. Dead in chosen transgressions of God’s holiness, dead in our following the course of this world, the prince of the power of the air, following the spirit that gives marching orders to the sons of disobedience. We are very much alive to sin but dead to God. By nature deserving God’s wrath.
Having no personal power to reverse our deadness before God, WHAT God had to do was simply this. Rich in mercy, great in love, full of grace WHAT God does is what He alone can do. To raise us from the dead, to make us alive together with Christ, to seat us right now with Him in the highest of heavenly places.
By grace you/I have been rescued. Jonah said it from the slime of a whale’s stomach in the depths of the sea – “Salvation belongs to the Lord” (Jonah 2:9., cf. Psalm 3:8). Our broken world, the lost, often frustrated if not angry, persons of the human race desperately need this FIRST from the Lord. They need His life, His resurrecting power, His reversing our walking-in-sin deadness.
But all of that begs a 2nd question. WHY does God do this life-infusing raising? WHY does He save us the way he does, and to what important purpose?
That's what we'll explore in today's message.